Restarting Your Travel Program

Man reviews first flight itinerary post-COVID
Over 60% of American’s surveyed say they are looking forward to air travel again. The question on everyone’s mind is not only when they will be back in the air, but what should they do to prepare for the new normal? Before you book your first trip, read our tips on prepping for travel in the post Coronavirus world.

Be comfortable in your own office first.
At least half of the American labor force is currently working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. While most businesses are eager to get back into the office, there is no set framework. Returning to the office before a vaccine is available will come with strict limitations. CDC guidelines recommend daily health checks, continuous disinfection or closure of common areas, encouraging employees to wear cloth face coverings, and implementing social distancing. It’s critical to understand your company’s policy and make sure you are comfortable before traveling or visiting someone else.

Be familiar with your company’s travel policy.
Going back into the office is tricky enough – adding the element of travel adds new challenges. Like many corporate travelers, you might be anxious to get back on the road to see clients. If you are ready to travel, you might start by emailing your travel manager and asking if you have any changes to your policy amid the pandemic. Travel is picking up, but it’s important to expect and plan for restrictions and extra safety precautions throughout the duration of your trip.

Plan for the unexpected.
Let’s face it – things haven’t gone entirely back to normal yet. Without proper preparation, you might hit a few snags. For example, airlines have slashed schedules, which means you will have fewer flights to choose from. Because there are fewer flights, capacity on each plane might be higher than you were expecting. It’s also important to remember that not all destinations are equal. While all states are in the process of opening back up, each is on a very different schedule. Look up the local restrictions before arriving. Contact your customer and make sure they are comfortable meeting in person, and ask if their offices are open.

Many hotels were considered essential businesses and never fully closed, but expect the experience to be different. Call ahead with any questions you have about your upcoming stay. This article houses multiple examples of what to expect and how to prepare.

Most importantly, be sure you feel comfortable traveling.
We understand that travelers are eager to get back in the air, and others might have hesitations. There is no right or wrong for when it comes to personal safety and comfort. If you are considering booking a trip, plan, stay flexible, and, most importantly – stay safe!


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